Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Peterson's Slide

"We’d go fishing down PETERSON’s SLIDE.  I remember the smell of the river, it smelt so good..  I loved the smell.  After the dam was put in, I remember running down the hill, the river never quite smelled the same.  I missed that smell, it seemed to flow slower.  I’d always miss that wild smell when we’d go fishing."

"What A Dam Site" by Lori Brackett.  We went camping overnight near Palisades Reservoir. On the way home, this scene struck me to where I just had to paint it. The frame is one I put together. I refinished an old linen liner, and then made a barn wood frame to go around it.
Photo Credit:
"What A Dam Site" by Lori Brackett.

"Just drive up the highway towards Victor about a 1 to  1 1/2 miles. You’ll see Kopp’s house on right another farm on left, before you get by those there is a dirt lane. Go up the hill; there’s the old school on left, follow till you have to turn left, our home was right there on right. (nothing there now). Follow road soon on the left will be Bud Campbell’s farm. Keep on that road veering right, dusty road you’ll end up at Peterson’s slide." -Fawnell Fisher Blankenship

2020 Reunion Cancelled due to Covid-19

Due to the .COVID-19 pandemic and the need to limit social contact, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Swan Valley Old Timer’s Reunion.

Stay safe and we look forward to seeing everyone next year.
Doug Martin, Vicki Courchaine, and Audi Sutheimer