Friday, March 22, 2024

The 9th Annual Swan Valley Old Timers Reunion (1971)


Here is one of the receipts for supplies for the reunion.  Who remembers these charge tickets from the Swan Valley Commissary?

Monday, March 4, 2024

From the vault: Scroll of Names

One of the first traditions of the Swan Valley Old Timers was to pay their respects to the friends and family of Swan valley that have passed away.  A 'Scroll of Names' has been kept and names are beautifully written in calligraphy there. Over the years, it has been cared for by volunteers. Joanne Wiese Ward has been caring for the book for several years now.  
The photos you see below are from the notebook of Old Timers meeting minutes.  These were filed with the year 1972 meeting minutes.  Take a closer look to see some names you might recognize.