I recently acquired the Old Timers Reunion Meeting minutes and records, dating all the way back to 1964, the 2nd year of the reunion. I've transcribed a letter I found in the book from Ms. Afton Bitton. She was the President of the board and read this to the group at the 2001 meeting.
A Brief History of Old Timers 7/28/2001
Old Timers Reunion was basically the brainchild of Doward Kopp and Harry Zitlaw, commanders of Legion Post 97 at the time. Doward and his wife Mary conducted the first reunion, aided by Harry Zitlaw and Russell McBride. October 5, 1963 was the date. The more than 50 who attended voted to have an Old Timers party once a year, so the annual reunion was instituted.
The second Old Timers party was held July 25, 1964, in the Legion Hall, with Doward officiating, [and the group] chose the traditional date of the last Saturday in July forever after or at least until the fading pioneers fail to support it. Over 100 attended. The first official election resulted in the following officers for the reunion. Jerusha Beam, President, Amy Miller, Vice-President, and Edna Harden (Ottino), Secretary/Treasurer.
Every year thereafter residents and former residents of Swan Valley have congregated at the Legion Hall on the last Saturday in July for a potluck dinner, election of officers, and a program. This year makes the thirty-eighth time. The Swan Valley Commissary, for most of those years, has donated three gallons of ice cream. For many of those years the Old Time Fiddlers have joined the party and made the music for dancing and listening.
New by-laws over the years have resulted in three important changes. The Treasurer is always elected for three years for banking convenience (since 1993). The Vice-President moves up to the President the next year whenever possible and the officers for the current year ask the people to serve as officers the following year before the meeting so the famous railroading does not occur. These ideas were presented by past presidents, Afton Bitton, Max Bitton, and Joe Kruse, respectively. Officers and members are always encouraged to make motions that will improve the Reunion. There is not time to mention here all the 38 presidents and accompanying officers who have served us well. However, a review of the records reveals that many have served as one officer or another three or more times. Margaret Fisher Jacobson tops the lost at 7 times. Lola Sargent is only 1 yard behind at 6 and by time she finishes her task at treasurer she will have reached 7. Alex Martin, Gloria Hansen McVey, and Mabel Traughber Winterfeld come in at four times and seven persons have chalked up a score of three: Edna Kopp Harden Ottino, Margaret Ricks Weeks Howard, Barbara Weise Pool, Pat Thomas Hendrix, Joe Kruse, and Afton Bitton. A number have served twice including Joe Fisher, Lena Zitlaw McCabe Weise, Bud Campbell, and Belle (Grubb) Beam. All these numbers are subject to being raised if a more thorough record is available, but this will do for starters. People who have not served their valley colleagues in one of these official capacities are in for a rare treat. They should strive to be nominated. The planning meeting often features cake and ice cream, as well as many good valley anecdotes.
Thanks again to Doward and Harry for realizing what a good thing a valley get together is. I'd say the average attendance has been about 80 and the average number of fox-trots played by the Fiddlers about the the same.
Afton Bitton
July 28, 2001
Note from Audi Sutheimer, Sec/Treas, OTR 2018:
Afton's emphasis on acquiring officers leads me to believe there was concern about the reunion fizzing out because nobody wants to be in charge. I will assure you, as an officer, I plan on continuing the traditions of the valley and preserving the heritage that was here long before I was. I will run again when my three years is up (in 2019). I have cleaned up the Old Timers Reunion book and found some gems to share with you. I want to connect with you, the Old Timers, and get your oral histories written down, so they aren't lost to the next generations of valley residents, your families, and our community. That's why I started this blog.
I am also going to introduce a change to the by-laws at this years meeting. I want to change the President and Vice-President to 2 year terms with a 3rd year carry over if no one accepts a nomination in an election year. The VP will not be obligated to run for President, but may, if they choose to. The Secretary and Treasurers seats were combined for many years and then in 1988 they were separated, only to be joined again in 2009. The Sec/Treas. has to bring the other 2 new officers up to speed every year because they are changing every year. Longer terms for the President and VP will curb some of that. Furthermore, when a board is in place for a longer stint, they can accomplish more.
That being said, the last thing I want to add to the Old Timers by-laws is advocacy for stewardship. Our mission should not only be to throw a great party, but to work to preserve the heritage and record the history of the Swan Valley area. We have seen so many local relics disappear. The Pine Bench School, for example, has been pillaged to the point you can see right through it. I remember as a kid there were still chalkboards inside. Now, it's all but gone. That is a pity, but we have the ability to curb vandalism and preserve the historical content that is left. I'd like to spend a little of the money Old Timers has saved over the years to put informational placards at some of these locations. They would include historical info and private property markers with info about why it is wrong to steal or destroy these sights. These are our antiquities being plundered. You can send me your thoughts at svoldtimers@gmail.com or direct message me on the Swan Valley Old Timers Facebook page. You can always share your stories there too.
I hope to see you all at the Old Timers Reunion or at the upcoming Dam Kids Reunion next month.
Take care,