Sunday, May 27, 2018

Good at making friends?

"I’d spend a large part of the summer alone. My brothers working; they started working, driving tractor, at 8 years old on our farm. (Thank God for Primary). 
I made my own friends. I took the mop and broom and turned them up-side-down. The broom, a high class lady with an an “up do”; the mop was a little more trampy. To this day, if I see a mop or a broom turned upside down, I stop and say, “Hi”.  -Fawnell Fisher Blankenship

" husband brought me a broom last year and stood it up in the bedroom to surprise me, it had a note taped on her mouth (red threads that hold broom together) saying, “Hi old friend, it’s been a long time.” -FFB

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