Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Fifth Old Timers Reunion

July 29, 1967

The fifth Old Timers party began at 1:00 p.m. with a pot luck lunch.  The program opened by singing 'Idaho'.  There was a moment of silent prayer for those not there, followed by the Lord's prayer.  The minutes of last year's meeting were read and approved.  The 1967 officers were asked to remain in office for 1968.  Rehle (sp) Higham's dancing students presented some very delightful and entertaining dance numbers.  Mrs. Dora Daniels gave the early history of Swan Valley.  Ed and Lewis Daniels played several numbers on their violins and accompanied by Zina Burton, played for those who wished to dance.  
Prizes were given to Mrs. VanDoren, the oldest lady.   Mrs. Wanda Whisman, and  Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patterson came the longest distance.  
About 95 had a very enjoyable afternoon.  

Amt brought forward ('66) = $75.52
Expenses for 1967              = $16.13
Collections at 1967 party   = $41.91
Amt on hand                      = $101.30

Transcribed by Audi Sutheimer, Sec/Treas, OTR 2018

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Fourth Annual Old Timers Reunion

July 30 - 1966

The fourth Old Timers Party was called to order by President Amy Miller on July 30, 1966 at the Swan Valley American Legion Hall with quite a crowd present.  Minutes of 1965 were read.  New officers for coming year were put in.  Katie Highams - Pres., Margaret Jacobson -Vice Pres., Edith Weeks - Sec. & Treas.

There was a moment of silent prayer for those not here today.  Lord's Prayer was given in unison.  Elizabeth Weeks  sang 'My Favorite Things' and 'Sound of Music' with Edith Weeks accompanying her.  Fuller Martin played 'America' while Grace Traughber led us in song.  Susan Sargent played piano solo.  'Fantasie and Impromptu', also 'Ebb Tide'.  Poems were read by Amy Miller 'Pioneer Mother'.  Danny Traughber sang 'Memories', accompanied by his mother Grace.  Danny and Grace then sang 'Let the Rest of the World Go By'.  Danny and his two girls, Marian and Pam, sang 'Dear Hearts and Gentle People' with grandmother at the piano.  Danny then led the group in songs long remembered. "Silver Thread Among the Gold'.  Mrs. Ed Kopp sang 'Carry Me Back to Old Virginny', 'Wild Irish Rose', and 'There's a Long, Long Trail a Winding'.  The group joined in.  

A collection was taken in for the fund. $42.84.  Pat Fowler redone record bank.
Mrs. Miller read the poem "A Perfect Day' while Grace Traughber finished up by playing the same.  A Good time was had by all. 
Money paid out this year for napkins, punch, butter, cream, coffee, paper plates.  Pastor made up envelopes and stamps, came to $28.68.  Also included for Pat Fowler for redoing record book.  
Previous Balance - $61.36          Balance - $75.52

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The 3rd Annual Old Timers Reunion

July 31st     1965

The third Old Timers Party was held at the American Legion Hall July 31st -1965.  Meeting was called to order by President Jerusha Beam.  
A moment of silent prayer in honor of those not there today.  The Lord's prayer was recited in unison.  
'America' was sung by all.  
A welcome was given by President Mrs. Beam to the ones that came out for the get together.  A musical number by Winifred Wheeler.  'Maria Elena' by Mr. Gallager.
Then minutes of the last meeting were read and treasurers report given. $13.64
There was no old business.  New officers were elected for the year ahead.  Vice President stepped up to President - Mrs. Amy Miller.  New Vice President - Gladys Winterfeld.  Sec & Treas - Lola Sargent. 
Mrs. Beam thanked all that helped in any way for the party today.  Each party will be held last Saturday in July.  Luncheon at 1pm.
Vocal solo was sang by Ivan Weeks - 'Memory Lane' and 'Your Eyes Have Told Me So'.  Vocal solo by Sandy French - 'Turn Around' and 'Roses'.  Winifred Wheeler consented to play for a few dances.
Collection $44.68

Here's a link to the 2nd Annual Old Timers Meeting Minutes:

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Second Old Timers Reunion

July 25, 1963

The second old timers party was held July 25th at the Swan Valley American Legion Hall with Doward Kopp Chairman for both years (1963-1964).  Over one hundred people were present for the party which included pot luck lunch at 2pm and Mrs. Edward Kopp sang 'Til the Lands of the Desert Grow Cold', which was the request of an old friend Joan Fisher.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kopp were the oldest couple present. Mrs C.B. VanDoren, 84, of Idaho Falls, was the oldest woman present.  Julius Zitlaw of Idaho Falls was the oldest man.  Mr. and Mrs. Banner Linville of Gerald, Kansas, Mrs. Ken Reeves of Amarillo, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave W. Cavander, of Madrid, Oregon represented the farthest distance traveled.  Mr. and Mrs. Julius Zitlaw were able to have all five of their children present.  
This year they elected Mrs. Richard Beam President, Mrs. Amy Miller Vice President, Mrs. Albert Harden Secretary & Treasurer.  The last Saturday of July was set for the party each year. Pot luck dinner to be served at 1pm. 
Doward Kopp presented a tablet which the record names of the people attending the party were kept.  Also, one of those past away which is to be enclosed in a glass case to be kept in the Legion Hall for all to see. 
in order to cover expenses a free will collection was taken, which totaled $37.46.  
$16.00 paid to Doward Kopp.  $21.46 on hand.

Transcribed by Audi Sutheimer, Sec/Treas, OTR 2018

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Never Going Anywhere

Here's another little ditty from Fawnell Fisher Blankenship...

'My brothers were having a coke in Changdon's Lodge, there in Swan Valley. In a booth, they overheard, “Too bad about those Fisher kids. They’re good kids, but won’t ever go anywhere.”  
Hee-hee: Gary’s a dentist, John, chemical engineer, after my hubby served 8 1/2 years (many on nuclear subs with 3 kids). I put him through dental school. He painted houses along the way.  We made it off that dry farm!!!  Even got a real toilet with running water.'