July 31st 1965
The third Old Timers Party was held at the American Legion Hall July 31st -1965. Meeting was called to order by President Jerusha Beam.
A moment of silent prayer in honor of those not there today. The Lord's prayer was recited in unison.
'America' was sung by all.
A welcome was given by President Mrs. Beam to the ones that came out for the get together. A musical number by Winifred Wheeler. 'Maria Elena' by Mr. Gallager.
Then minutes of the last meeting were read and treasurers report given. $13.64
There was no old business. New officers were elected for the year ahead. Vice President stepped up to President - Mrs. Amy Miller. New Vice President - Gladys Winterfeld. Sec & Treas - Lola Sargent.
Mrs. Beam thanked all that helped in any way for the party today. Each party will be held last Saturday in July. Luncheon at 1pm.
Vocal solo was sang by Ivan Weeks - 'Memory Lane' and 'Your Eyes Have Told Me So'. Vocal solo by Sandy French - 'Turn Around' and 'Roses'. Winifred Wheeler consented to play for a few dances.
Collection $44.68
Here's a link to the 2nd Annual Old Timers Meeting Minutes:
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