Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The 7th Annual Old Timers Reunion and Meeting


The seventh Old Timers Party was held at the American Legion Hall with 110 in attendance.  Pot luck dinner was enjoyed by the group.
The meeting was called to order by the pres., Lew Daniels.  The Lords Prayer was recited in unison _ a moment of silent prayer followed.  Mrs. Harriet Kopp led the group singing "God Bless America", and then sang of yester-years, "Brandy Wine".
The minutes of the 1968 meeting were read and approved.  The election of the new officers resulted in the retaining of the present officers for 1970 year.  Lew Daniels, pres., Mrs. Tom Weeks and Mrs. Lorin Nickerson as vice-presidents, Mrs. Albert Harden, secretary-treasurer.

Lew Daniels suggested the early history and settlement of the valley be compiled and the group was in agreement.  Mrs Betty Clayton agreed, previous to the meeting, to write the history in story form.  Old timers were advised to check their family records for dates and happenings to be given to Mrs. Clayton.

Prizes were presented to Mrs. BerthaVanDorn, the oldest lady; Ed Daniels, the oldest man; Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Weeks, the couple married the longest; Mr. and Mrs. Banner Linville, the couple traveling the greatest distance; and Cy Yeaman, the oldest settler in attendance.  Each adult present was given a coffee mug as a remembrance of the 1969 party. 

Many old timers revived their dancing and singing abilities to the music presented by members and Idaho fiddlers, who entertained throughout the day.  Those playing included Hassel Vargasen, Ida. Fiddlers Pres.; John Kinkle; Ezra Weeks; Bill Butler; Jim Thompson; Norbert Brickman; Gard Bowman; d.J. McIvers; and Lew Daniels.
The groups spent a very enjoyable afternoon visiting.

Transcribed by Audi Sutheimer, Sec./Treas., OTR 2018

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