Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Lewis Ford Family, of Grand Valley

Where was Maple Grove?  I'd guess it was up those North side draws where the Western Mountain Maples turn so vibrantly red in fall.  Close to Rosa?  Where the heck is Rosa? The article says the Fords, along with the Salisburys were safe from the drowning of the Grand Valley. It was upstream, or to the East of Palisades Creek, in 'Maple Grove', but there is no mention of Sheep Creek or Little Sheep Creek.  Furthermore, no mention of Big or Little Elk Creeks. 

Many of us remember Milo Ford, his wife Lula and their son, Shane.  They kept their cabin above Grand Valley, a cabin with a porch all the way around. Did his dad, Lewis build the cabin? Was Milo the second generation on his father's land? What was his mother's name? Was he an only child?

As a survivor of the Great Depression, Lula would stuff trinkets and treasures into the framework of the house. Lula was a Nickerson, a family I'll delve into in the next post. It is interesting to note here though, Lula played with Shoshone children when she a child herself, while the adult Shoshone hunted their way through the Grand Valley each fall. 

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