Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Swinging Bridge in Grand Valley

 We all know the stories of Dora Daniels beloved Swinging Bridge in Irwin, but did you know there was another swinging bridge that helped the families that farmed on the southeast side of the river near Bear Creek.  The Fidelity School (also called Whiskey Run was on the other side of the river from the homesteads so a bridge was built so they could attend school.  The road was also on that side of the river, so the bridge made life in Bear Creek easier.  Families could attend church on Sundays or get out for supplies in the winter. There were dances at the school on weekends and they could attend after the bridge was built, creating more opportunities for the Bear Creek families and staving off the loneliness of rural life. (Photos from 'The Dam Kids' scrapbook, Larry Fleming)

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